Sunday, March 18, 2012

Early Spring, I'm back

The residents were happy to see that their bulbs survived the mild winter and are blooming.  I really do see it as a metaphor. " J" came up to me and grinned that her flowers had bloomed and some that were planted in the front of the house had been broken off.  Now they were safe in a vase on the communal kitchen table. As she spoke to me her face was glowing and her dark skin shined, it seemed smooth and full of life.  There was definitely something different about her.  I told her how healthy she looked.  She beamed,  "clean for 7 months. "  She had to rush off, she had a meeting.

Lots of preparation work to be done.  Our composters need to be fixed and I need to find someone I can count on to be responsible to turn them daily or at least a few times a week. Soon we can prep the beds.  I am itchy to get back and start to work but not very hopeful that I will get much help.